Project manager (Admin mode)
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Going to the Project Manager, you are directed by default to the Project manager dashboard. Click Create Project to start the first one. You can edit or delete this project later.
Name (1) your project. Create a unique Project key (2) (use characters only) for future task identification.
Describe (3) your project. The Description preview will be visible on the dashboard.
Configure access to the project (4). A Public project will be accessible for each member of your organization. A Private project will be visible for organization superadmins, owners, and those members who were invited to the project.
Enable an issue board (5), if you require one from the start (all the Issue type tasks will get there).
Click CREATE. To proceed with a specific setup click the menu bar on the right and go to Project Settings.
Edit your new project Name and Description, if required. The name and description must fit in the symbol limitations (30 for name and 200 for description including spaces).
Add Project cover (1) to recognize your project among others instantly. You can upload it from your device and delete it later or replace the image with another one. Uploaded project cover images are not stored in your Drive or in any other place automatically.
Add Labels (2) to create connections between your project tasks, if required. Choose a specific color for each label. You can create and delete custom labels for each of your projects.
Click SAVE CHANGES to apply the edits. If you do not wish to save any changes in the module, just click on any button outside the module to exit editing unchanged.
Click Members (1) to view your new project’s users and their roles. You can switch the Role (2) (admin/member) for each user or remove them from the project.
To add a member or an admin, click INVITE PEOPLE (3) button on the top right. Use the search field to find the employees of your organization. You can add a member from your own organization only.
Switch to the Shared (4) tab inside this module to view which users from other organizations your project is shared with.
To change access to your profile, click Access (5), choose Private/Public access type, and save changes.
Each workspace type provides you with specific visualization and flow settings. Use a checkmark on those workspaces you require for the project.
You can add or remove a workspace later.
Click Shared Organizations to view and edit a list of organizations that have shared access to your project. Click INVITE ORGANIZATIONS and start typing the organization name in a search field. Click on the organization from the list and click Add and Done. It will appear in the list of organizations meant to receive an invitation to your project.
If the organization that you want to invite has no Aitheon account, it should create it first to appear in the list of organizations to invite.
You can add as many organizations for collaboration as you wish. As soon as the list is full, click Invite to send an invitation via email for each of them.
To accept your invitation and view your project, the organization owner must sign in to their Aitheon account first.
You can see the status of the invitation in the Shared Organizations module. As soon as the invitation is accepted, the status will change from INVITED to ACCEPTED.
You can remove a shared organization from your project anytime despite the invitation status.
As soon as your project is finished, gets frozen, or loses priority, you can move it to archive. Click on the menu on the right side of the project preview in the All Projects tab and select Move to Archive.
Your project with all related tasks will move to the Archived Projects tab. You can Unarchive Project anytime.
Project management global flow usually consists of 3 strategic segments:
Project - full scope of work that needs to be done from a single idea to a finished, ready-to-use result.
Epics - major stages that project realization goes through, providing a piece of certain accomplishment at the end of each stage.
Sprints - specific time periods, stuffed with a certain amount of tasks that need to be accomplished to finish the epic.
Basic flow structure proceeds in straight tasks > sprint > epic > project line. Aitheon Project Manager goes beyond the simple vector and allows multiple cross-related configurations.
Link multiple projects in one massive epic to divide the scopes of work submitted by different teams involved in single result achievement.
Create multiple cross-related projects to connect them in cross-related epics with shared assignees, labels, due dates, etc.
Go to the Project Manager dashboard and click the Epics tab to view your epics list.
On an epic card, you can see the number of tasks in it (1), Completion estimate (2) in percents (how many of the tasks are done), due date (3).
CREATE EPIC (4), enter its name and description, considering the characters' limitations. Set up the Start Date and End Date using the inbuilt calendar.
You can edit your epic or move it to the archive later.
View your epic as a board with a list of tasks related. You can link a task to a certain epic only inside the project.
Kanban board is a shared task-manager visualized as a board of sticker cards, structured in columns. Each column represents a stage of work.
Each card contains a task that needs to be done and provides enough information to answer the questions:
What should be done (1)
How should it be done (2)
What results must be achieved (3)
When should it be finished (4)
Who should do it (5)
Also, notice that the task has its index (project key + task number) (7), Attachments (8), Labels (9).
A team member can change any of these options except index and task type.
Kanban board gives a structured view of the working process and provides a simple flow to keep track of each piece of work at every stage of its realization.
Click on the project in the dashboard project view to begin structuring and customizing your Kanban board.
By default, your Kanban board has 4 columns:
Backlog: a list of all tasks, ideas, and suggestions that are or could be applicable for your project's realization.
To do: a list of tasks that are relevant at the moment and need to be done
In progress: a list of tasks that are currently being done by one or a few assignees.
Done: a list of all tasks that were finished and accomplished successfully. This is the only default column that cannot be deleted or edited, as the Done stage is considered to be logically relevant for any managing process.
To add a column, click a columns (1) sign on the top right. Type in column's name, choose one of 3 default states (Backlog, To Do, In Progress) according to the column's function. Configure the color, if necessary. Click Save.
You can add as many columns as you wish, depending on the stages your tasks need to pass. Drag columns to change their order.
To edit a column, click the menu bar on the top right of the column and select Edit. To save your changes, click Update.
Subscribe to the columns with the highest priority to get email notifications about tasks moved to and from this stage. You can always click Unsubscribe to stop receiving notifications.
Delete the column if required. Make sure you clear all tasks from the column from first.
View detailed task creation flow.
Gannt chart
Time management
Dashboard with project’s analytics
Effort and cost estimation
Split large tasks
Shared team calendar
Drive for Media