Aitheon Core Overview

Aitheon Platform has a number of useful services that can be customized to your specific business model and work processes. Aitheon Core is a tool that allows you to create automated processes and link them to each other.

Aitheon Core provides you with a single graphical interface to organize and manage all the processes and automations in one place.

Compose your business processes in Core: move and add elements, connect them to each other, place orders for the development of new elements, build additional sub-services for major processes, and so on.

This User Guide will teach you how to automate your business processes using Aitheon Core. It is easily done even if you donโ€™t have any coding skills.


Six steps for creating a new automated process with Aitheon Core

  1. Add Sub-graph - add new 'folders' for pieces of the process logic;

  2. Add Node - add new computing programs to the process;

  3. Add Provisional Node - add a 'program' that you even don't have at the moment; build logic first, and then order this program to be developed;

  4. Connect Nodes - interconnect the elements of the automated process;

  5. Create Mapping Node - if nodes can`t be connected directly, use a mapping node in between;

  6. Deploy - run the process.


General knowledge about the Aitheon Core service and its elements.

Short definitions of key terms in this Guide.

Last updated