Add Infrastructure

Log in and open the All Infrastructures page. Now you should be able to add an infrastructure by clicking on the Add Infrastructure button.

After clicking on Add Infrastructure, you'll be redirected to the new page, where you can add all the information about your new infrastructure.

  1. Upload Picture. Uploading your infrastructure picture helps to identify it faster on the All Infrastructure page.

  2. Enter Name. Add your infrastructure's name.

  3. Choose Type. Choose the type of your infrastructure: Building, Factory, or Warehouse. The available functionality will be adjusted accordingly to the chosen type.

There are two options to indicate Infrastructure Location.

  1. New Location. Add a new location by specifying the location name and its address.

  2. Add from Organization. Or use another organization's location for your infrastructure.

After all the required fields are filled, click on CREATE.

Congratulations! Your first Infrastructure has been successfully created!

Last updated